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Back to Blogging, After Two Years

It’s been just under two years since I last posted on here. When I decided to stop blogging, I think it was because I was in a place where I just wasn’t enjoying it anymore. There was a lot going on in my life, a lot of changes plus the fact I was doing a degree in Creative Writing, my whole life revolved around writing, and I think it just became too much. I loved it when I first started and then all of a sudden, it became a chore. So I stopped.

However, since then things have changed. I finished my degree last year and now I have just finished a MA in publishing, and perhaps I should mention the global pandemic too? Anyway, let’s not go too far into that. I came across my old blog photos the other day, while cleaning up my laptop and it made me realise how much I loved it. So why not start again. I have had a very big break from writing since my masters didn’t really involve it.

In the last two years I have grown up and changed, I have new ideas for content which I am excited to try out, so I am starting again. It will be interesting to see how different my writing is now, because looking back, there are some questionable blog posts...

So keep your eyes peeled for some new content.


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