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Finish your Manuscript!
It's the new year, which means this is the year you finish your manuscript. Writing a book is daunting and sometimes even when you've put...
Jan 3, 20234 min read

The self-publishing process
On May 6th 2022, I self-published my first novel... And now I am sharing my experience in the hopes it can help someone with their...
Aug 19, 20227 min read

What is the role of a copyeditor?
What is a copyeditor? The copyedit is completed in the final (ish) stages of the editing project. It looks at the micro aspects of a...
May 20, 20223 min read

Editing Tips for Microsoft Word
As a writer and editor, I have a few tips and tricks that can instantly tidy up a piece of work and help it get ready for the editing...
Apr 22, 20224 min read

Signs you're DONE with your manuscript
As a writer it can be so hard to get to the point where you feel like you have completely finished your book. After spending so long...
Mar 25, 20224 min read

The importance of typesetting
Typesetting is an extremely important part of the publishing process in both traditional publishing and self publishing. Typesetting...
Mar 10, 20222 min read

What to do BEFORE hiring an editor
Have you finished writing your book? Are you looking for an editor? Here is what you need to know and what you need to do before hiring...
Feb 24, 20223 min read

Editing Prompt Answers - White Frills and Flowers
My previous blog post was an editing prompt, these are the answers. How many did you catch? White Frills and Flowers When I was (1)...
Oct 21, 20212 min read

Editing Prompt - White Flowers and Frills
Have a go and see if you can find all of the errors in this piece... There are 11 errors, try and find them. Good luck! *Disclaimer, this...
Oct 14, 20212 min read

What is a Micro Edit?
Micro editing refers to (yep, you guessed it), the micro aspects of your writing. This part of the editing process happens towards the...
Oct 7, 20212 min read

What is Macro Editing?
Macro editing refers to the bigger aspects of your writing and is usually completed in the earlier stages of your work. This stage of...
Jul 30, 20212 min read

What Spell Check Misses
One thing I always get asked when proofreading, is why can't I just use spell checker? Well, that is a good question. I get it. Spell...
Apr 23, 20213 min read

Tips For Editing Your Own Work
As much as having a second pair of eyes look at your work is important, sometimes that isn't possible. As a writer, it's really useful to...
Mar 29, 20212 min read

Proofreader Vs Editor
While working with clients, I have realised that it can be difficult to differentiate between proofreader and editor. I think it's...
Mar 16, 20212 min read
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